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Lemon Bean - The Treehouse DC

Strain: Lemon Bean

Service Type: DC i-71 Storefront

Overall Rating: 8.9/10

Lean: Sativa Dominant

Initial Thoughts

Since I’m one of those weirdos that will bite into a lemon and eat it, this strain is directly up my alley. Lemon Bean, in all its lemon-ness, is brought to you by The Treehouse DC, a DC i-71 cannabis dispensary known for their vast selection of fine flower. They say that when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Well, when life gave me this Lemon Bean, I had to roll it up and smoke it. 🍋


These Lemon Bean buds are colorful. A rich green mixes with purple and blue hues while orange pistils are abundantly spaced throughout.


Fresh, sticky, and smelly.


I would have been surprised if a strain named Lemon Bean didn’t smell like lemons. In fact, it was the one scent I really picked up on and it only multiplied when broken up.



The tanginess was a perfect match with the delightful aroma and my mind went straight to lemon Warhead candies as a comparable flavor.


The Lemon Bean strain is a cross of Lemon Tree and Eddy that runs sativa heavy at about 90/10.


Lemon Bean is like a shot of creativity, focus, and motivation all in one. As soon as that first toke hit my lungs, a burst of energy ran through me. My mind was racing with fresh ideas, and I found myself drawn to the creative projects on my to do list. Whether it was work or play, I felt like I was in the zone and ready to conquer the world.



Lemon Bean is a lemon lover's dream while also giving lasting impressions and memorable qualities. I’ve been on quite the sativa kick recently and have really been digging their effects, but I know this Lemon Bean will be my new sativa go-to because of the reliable daytime high it provides. To grab some of this batch for yourself just head on down to The Treehouse DC today and don’t forget to mention that Toker’s Guide sent you!

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